Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

I've been waiting all these years, waiting the hype of the Cursed Child to wear off, so when I got this book in hand, I could read it in peace, and not distorted by the hype.

I knew that some people said this book is definitely trash, the other  was like, oh it's great, super love and I was like, you know what, I might give it a go, since the rating is not far below 4 star. Boy, I'm quite regretting my decision purchase this thing, even when I bought it for 50% off price. And here I think I’m ranting instead of writing review. You got your warning here.

Here's several things that pissed me off while finishing this book, no, there are still more, but my rant is just too long already:

  1. How dare they made Ron like complete idiot? This was the Ron from the movie they tried to picture, not Ron from the book. Ron is bit chill but not ultimate prankster like Fred or George. I mean, I knew they said Ron retired from Ministry of Magic to help George in the shop, but it doesn't mean he will be the Fred replacement in instant. 
  2. Harry be like awkward dad and yet slacker. They painted Harry to look like he is running from his administrative job to do outdoor job, while the Harry we all knew is gonna get the things done eventhou he hates it. They said he was overworked, me, the writing made it like adrenaline junkie man, who decided to neglect his administrative work, not overworked. They also made like Harry is so braggy while in early years Harry did not like his popularity at all. Oh one more thing, Harry was nothing but respect to Prof. McGonagall, but here, he treats Prof. McGonagall like his inferior. Add how he spoke to Dumbledore’s painting. So, post power syndrome much???
  3. How the Sorting Hat just place Albus Severus directly into Slytherin without hearing what he thought? I believe previously, Harry just saying no Slytherin and the hat just sorted into Gryffindor.
  4. Albus Severus, man, let me tell you that I hate Harry in 5th book for being indesicive tool and like having some puberty problem, but in the end he turned out pretty well.. And Albus Severus is just so worst. Like worst of the worst of teenage angst. He even go far by kissing Hermione, even if you are in polijuice disguise as Ron, like, how did your conscience not screaming something off? You psycho little worm.. Normal people will kinda hesitate to jump into action like that, but this one, is like I’m going all in all the way. Remember that this is 13-14 years old teenager and think that fast? Impossible, unless you are as psycho as Voldemort himself.
  5. And if I recalled well (and supposedly I did) Ministry of Magic will notice if you are under 17 and perform magic outside Hogwarts. But here, of course Albus and Scorpius can do it to get out of the train and gone awol easily. Do they have privilege as sons of some kind of famous people so they passed the tracker easily?   
  6. Trolley witch be somekind of security. JOKE OF THE CENTURY. It was wrong on so many levels. How could Hogwarts let someone selling grenades disguised as sweets in the train to be consumed?
  7. Amos Diggory  butt-hurt in his old age while previously he was already forgive Harry and even rejected Harry's offer to give the Triwizard winner's money prize. Seriously, this is madness. Oh, and don’t forget Cedric Diggory turned all the way to the dark art because of humiliated! I mean, Cedric of all people. I mean, he was so modest that help Harry when he has advantage in second task of Triwizard tournament, he let Harry to pick the Triwizard cup since Harry has help him when he was attacked by Krum. Far before the Triwizard tournament, he even ask for a quidditch rematch after Harry fell down during match due to Dementor. This is definitely mess.
  8. Severus Snape became waaaayy to friendly to Hermione and Ron in alternate universe. And that's creepy as hell. Him in the first name basis with those two was impossible. Yet, Snape is so easily believe whatever Scorpius told him was bit off. 
  9. Hermione as butt-hurted professor was absolute joke as well. It was soooo out of character that left me speechless (yet I wrote this much, wondering why?) 
  10. The fact that Delphini exist is just plain horrendous. If Voldemort want heir why he is in the first place trying to make so many horcruxes? He can just pass the batons to the heir. No, he made horcruxes to live and rule forever. And how do you think Voldemort can have sex while his whole body is definitely changed so much and he has lost his nose. Don't you ever think that he might lose other things too? The ending from Delphini was off as well. Hermione said that she will join her mother in Azkaban. Well, I thought Bellatrix was killed by Molly Weasley back in Battle of Hogwarts, no?
  11. Time travel, really? How convenient to throw the time-turner here and there. Wonder what could have wrong. EVERYTHING. I mean, if the writers insisted to use this theory, how you can take one reality while logically speaking, if you changed the past, there will be another reality to replace that one reality you talked before. How could anyone in this new reality even realize there is another reality?
  12. Too many coincidences in this book that I thought that the writers were not really do their homework properly. Like, luckily, Draco got another time turner and Batilda Bagshot’s house was unlock, etc etc. Wow, how many felix felicis did these guys drink, huh?

The more I turn the page, the more piss I am… Have the writers ever read the series in the first place before making this trash? Or they just seen several Harry Potter movies and read the blurbs then decided to make a story like their own?

Even if J.K. Rowling approved this as canon, I don't see how it could be a canon if it has so many flaws that contradict the series. Like how could you butcher the 7 books for the sake of 1 book?

People are saying, you should see the play to judge the book. What can I say, I review the book, not the play. The play might cloud up a bit with some effects here and there and performance from the actors, but the story will stay the same. AWFUL, AWFUL and still AWFUL.

Again, this one should never existed, I gave this 1 star just for the sake that J.K. Rowling somewhat approved it and the fact that I already torture myself to read it until the very last page plus I surprised myself that I wrote this much for book that I know I will hate forever.

I do hope that I would never hear that there will be a sequel for this cursed book. Yes, for me it should be named as Harry Potter: The Cursed Book.

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